

“Warm Waters” Publication on Bird In Flight

Interview and photo-gallery from “Warm Waters” on Bird In Flight


“Warm Waters” Publication on 1 Million Women

1 Million Women featured my ongoing project “Warm Waters”, which is about climate change in the Pacific Region and
communities whose very existence is threatened by global warming.


“Warm Waters” Exhibition at Ankgor Photo Festival

Warm Waters: Kiribati” exhibition opening today at Angkor Photo Festival in Seim Reap, Cambodia.


“Warm Waters” featured on SciDevNet

Island devastation as climate change batters Pacific – “Warm Waters” featured on SciDevNet

“Warm Waters” published in Der Spiegel magazine (Germany).

Photos from “Warm Waters” published in this week iPad issue of Der Spiegel magazine (Germany).

“Warm Waters” publication on Terra Eco magazine (France)

“Warm Waters” published in December issue of Terra Eco magazine (France)

Various Panos photographers at Angkor Photo Festival & Workshops

Vlad Sokhin will have an outdoor exhibition with a part of his long term project on climate change entitled Warm Waters,
here focusing on the island nation of Kiribati.


Warm Waters featured on Lens Culture

Images from Kiribati that are part of my long-term ongoing project “Warm Waters” about climate change in the Pacific are featured on Lens Culture.

These images will be exhibited during Angkor photo festival in Siem Reap, Cambodia in December 2015.


Human Rights Watch report on Family Violence in PNG

In November 2014 Human Rights Watch released new report “Bashed Up” on family violence in Papua New Guinea.


Exhibition in Suwon Photo Festival

‘Two Faces of the Thunder Dragon’ story from Bhutan is exhibited at Suwon International Photo Festival, South Korea. The exhibition will be up from November 1st to 15th.