Vlad Sokhin

Vlad Sokhin

Vlad Sokhin (Russia/Portugal) is a documentary photographer, videographer and multimedia producer. He covers cultural, social, and environmental issues around the world, including post-conflict and natural disaster zones.

Vlad has worked on photo, video, multimedia, and radio projects, collaborating with various international media, the United Nations agencies, and international NGOs. Vlad’s work has been exhibited and published internationally, including at Visa Pour L’Image and Head On photo festivals and in the National Geographic, International Herald Tribune, Newsweek Japan, BBC World Service, the Guardian, National Geographic Traveler, GEO, ABC, NPR, The Atlantic, Stern, Le Monde, Paris Match, Esquire, Das Magazin, WIRE Amnesty International, Sydney Morning Herald, Marie Claire, The Global Mail, and others.

Sokhin has produced videos and multimedia projects for UNICEF, UNAIDS, UN Women, OHCHR, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Amnesty International, ChildFund, and Space for Giants.

Vlad traveled and worked in over 100 countries. He lived in Portugal, Spain, Mozambique, Russia, Thailand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Uzbekistan and Senegal. He is currently based in Libreville, Gabon and works in Africa and Asia-Pacific.

Vlad is represented internationally by panos


National Geographic, Newsweek Japan, Marie Claire, International Herald Tribune, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, National Geographic Traveler, GEO, GEO Voyage, The Atlantic (USA), Stern (Germany), Der Spiegel (Germany), Le Monde (France), Paris Match (France), Esquire, La Vie (France), L’Obs (France), Internazionale (Italy), Das Magazin (Switzerland), Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Switzerland), AJ+, ABC, BBC, NPR, ABC Australia, United Nations, Human Rights Watch, WIRE Amnesty International (UK), FLAME Amnesty International (New Zealand), Mare (Germany), Stern Gesund Leben (Germany), WirtschaftsWoche (Germany), Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), The Monthly (Australia), The Weekend Australian Magazine (Australia), The Age (Australia), The Global Mail (Australia), Asian Geographic, Publica (Portugal), Volta ao Mundo (Portugal), Correio de Manha (Portugal), Ogoniok (Russia), Russian Reporter (Russia), Vokrug Sveta (Russia), and others.

UN agencies:
UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR, UNOCHA, United Nations Human Rights (OHCHR), UNAIDS, UN Women, World Health Organization (WHO), The World Bank.

NGOs, Government agencies and corporate clients:
Amnesty International, Oxfam, ChildFund, Save the Children, World Vision, ActionAid, Human Rights Watch, Population Services International (PSI), The Fred Hollows Foundation, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Fairtrade, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), CARE, WaterAid UK, The MasterCard Foundation, International Society for Travel Medicine, The Resolution Project, Space for Giants, and others.

Selected awards:

2022 – Ocean Visuals 2022 Collection finalist at Climate Visuals.
2017 – Visa d’Or Franceinfo Award for Best Digital News Story.
2016 – Winner of the Portuguese Photojournalism Award ‘Estação Imagem’ in the Environment category.
2016 – Winner of the Prix Photo AFD Best Web Documentary 2015 (France).
2016 – Finalist of The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation’s Grant for Documentary Photography & Film
2015 – Finalist of the Amnesty International Australia Media Awards in the radio-journalism category (Australia)
2015 – Winner of the Humanity Photo Award 2015 – UNESCO/CFPA in Documentary, Performance and Nomination categories (China).
2014 – Finalist of The Circle of Life photo contest, International Photo Festival “Vilnius Photo Circle” (Lithuania).
2014 – Grand Prix Best Photographer of the Year 2014 (Russia).
2014 – 1st place in the “Reportage” category in Best Photographer of the Year 2014 (Russia).
2014 – Grand Prix of the Humanity Photo Award 2013 – UNESCO/CFPA (China).
2013 – Winner of the Kolga Tbilisi Photo Award 2013, Documentary Series (Georgia).
2013 – Photographer of the Year, FCCT/OnAsia Photo Competition 2012 (Thailand).
2013 – Finalist of the Amnesty International UK Media Awards in Photojournalism.
2012 – Finalist of the FotoEvidence Book Award 2012 (USA).
2012 – 3rd place in Portuguese award of Photojournalism “Estação Imagem” (“Environment” category).
2012 – 3rd place in the Russian “Best Photographer” award (“Reportage” category).

Selected Exhibitions / Screenings / Festivals:

2023 – ‘Children of Nature’ solo exhibition at Institute Français, Libreville, Gabon.
2022 – ‘The End of Mardai’ solo exhibition at Sakse Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2022 – ‘Crying Meri’ exhibition at Imago Photo Festival, Lisbon, Portugal.
2022 – ‘Climate Refugees’ solo exhibition at THEMUSEUM, Kitchener, Canada.
2020 – ‘Warm Waters’ solo exhibition at Peloponnisos International Documentary Festival, Kalamata, Greece.
2019 – ‘Warm Waters’ solo exhibition at Maailma kylässä | World Village Festival, Helsinki, Finland
2019 – ‘Warm Waters’ private solo exhibition at Washington DC, USA.
2017 – ‘Warm Waters’ exhibition at Visa Pour L’Image Photojournalism Festival (Perpignan, France).
2016 – ‘Warm Waters’ solo exhibition at Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf (Germany).
2016 – ‘Warm Waters’ solo exhibition in Robert Louis Stevenson Museum at the Green Climate Fund (GCF) summit in Apia, Samoa.
2016 – 70th anniversary of UNICEF photo exhibition at Fiji Museum in Suva.
2016 – Solo exhibition ‘Warm Waters’ at Suwon Photo Festival (South Korea).
2016 – Solo exhibition ‘Guavas and Bananans’ at Deitta Gallery in Yangon (Myanmar).
2016 – ‘No Two People Have the Same Story’ group exhibition at 8×8 Festival in Dublin (Ireland).
2016 – ‘Everyday Climate Change’ group exhibition at Noorderlicht Photo Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2016 – Group exhibition ‘The Best Photos of the Year’ at Kolga Tbilisi Photo Award, Tbilisi (Georgia).
2015 – Solo exhibition ‘Warm Waters: Kiribati’ at Angkor Photo Festival, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
2015 – Solo exhibition ‘Two Faces of the Thunder Dragon’ at Suwon Photo Festival (South Korea).
2015 – Group exhibition at Humanity Photo Award (UNESCO/CFPA) in Shangri La town (China).
2015 – Group exhibition at Fotoville Festival, New York (USA).
2015 – Group exhibition at Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano (Italy).
2015 – Screening of ‘Guavas and Bananas’ at Mardi Gras Film Festival, Sydney, Australia.
2014 – ‘Crying Meri’ solo exhibition and book launch in PNG Parliament House in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)
2014 – ‘Crying Meri’ book launch at Amnesty International New Zealand in Auckland and Wellington (New Zealand)
2014 – ‘Crying Meri’ solo exhibition and book launch at Australian Parliament House in Canberra (Australia)
2014 – ‘Crying Meri’ solo exhibition and book launch at PNG Parliament House in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)
2014 – Screening of the short films ‘Guavas and Bananas’ and ‘Bibiane’s Story’ at the PNG Human Rights Film Festival (United Nations, Papua New Guinea).
2014 – ‘Restaveks’, exhibition at Best Photographer of the Year, The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow).
2014 – Solo exhibition ‘Restaveks’ at Uglich 8th International Photo Festival (with “Visa pour L’Image”) (Russia).
2013 – UNICEF exhibition, Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ Moro and Ridge, Southern Highlands Province (Papua New Guinea).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ at Human Rights Film Festival, Goroka (Papua New Guinea).
2013 – Screening of ‘Restaveks’ at IX Angkor Photo Festival (Cambodia).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Restaveks’ at International Festival of Photojournalism “Visa pour L’Image”, Perpignan (France).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ at Cameraygal Festival, Sydney (Australia)
2013 – Screening ‘Witch hunt in Papua New Guinea’ at “Reportage” photo festival, Sydney (Australia).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ at “hEAd oN” photo festival, Global Gallery, Sydney (Australia).
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Field of Operations’ at St. Petersburg Museum of the History of Photography (Russia).
2013 – Group exhibitions “FCCT/OnAsia Photo Contest 2012” (Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand)
2013 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ at Chiang Mai Documentary Arts Festival (Thailand).
2012 – Solo exhibition ‘Crying Meri’ at the University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea).
2012 – ‘Crying Meri’, FotoEvidence Book Award, at VII Agency Gallery, Brooklyn, New York (USA).
2012 – Screening ‘Crying Meri’ at the International Festival of Photojournalism “Visa pour L’Image”, Perpignan (France).
2012 – Group exhibition ‘Estação Imagem | Mora’, Centro Português de Fotografia, Porto; Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon; Igreja de S. Vicente, Évora (Portugal).

Lecturer/Guest Speaker:

Australian Parliament House, Canberra; Social Good Summit Australia, Sydney; American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Documentary Arts Asia, Thailand; IADE Creative University, Lisbon; Australian National University, Canberra; Lumiere Brothers Centre of Photography, Moscow; FOTODOC (Center of Documentary Photography), Moscow; School of Visual Arts, Moscow; Uglich International Photo Festival, Russia; Piter FotoFest, Russia.

Get in touch

For assignments, print sales, and inquiries: [email protected]

Current location: Libreville, Gabon.

Vlad is available for assignments in Africa, Asia-Pacific, and worldwide.

For international assignments and publications please contact:


Clients from Germany and German speaking countries please contact: