A photo and a story about covering police brutality in Papua New Guinea in BLUEFRAMEJOURNAL, a new wonderful project of my friends Oksana Yushko and Arthur Bondar.
PNG Human Rights Film Festival , organised by the United Nations, started this week in Port Moresby. Happy to see two of my films included there:
– GUAVAS AND BANANAS: Living Gay in PNG – a short video produced in collaboration with Roman Kalyakin about life of gay and transgender people in Hanuabada village.
Screening of Guavas and Bananas at the PNG Human Rights Film Festival 2014
– BIBIANE’S STORY – another short video produced for The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ. It’s a story of an old woman Bibiane, who suffered in isolation with cataract blindness.
Have a look and subscribe to my new Instagram account LENS PACIFIC with exclusive Instagram coverage of Papua New Guinea and other Pacific countries.
My photos from Mozambique were included in the book “Moçambique Mosaic” by Henrik Ellert.
“Moçambique Mosaic” includes a study of all manner of Mozambican crafts. It includes vessels for food and drink, pottery, pipes, basketry, stools, miscellaneous household objects, clothing and adornments, spears, bows and arrows, swords, dancing weapons, musical instruments and much else besides.
The book also looks at the level of technology applied in various forms of occupations and the interaction between the indigenous people of Moçambique and how they have been able to absorb foreign influences. The story spans several millennia and shows how traditional practices and crafts persist right through to the modern day.
My and Roman Kalyakin’s short film “Guavas and Banans” was featured in “Islas del Pacifico” (in Spanish)
“The National” newspaper of Papua New Guinea featured “Crying Meri” book.
Amazing Alison Stieven-Taylor wrote “Crying Meri” book review for L’Oiel de la Photographie.
The book was just published by FotoEvidence and available for on-line orders here: http://www.fotoevidence.com/pre-order-crying-meri
In 2013 I have worked with The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ on a photo and video story of Bibiane, who suffered in isolation with cataract blindness. Have a look at this video and support The Fred Hollows Foundation’s work in Papua New Guinea and other Pacific countries.
Bibiane suffers in isolation with cataract blindness. As a respected elder and the matriarch of her family, she should be enjoying time with her grandchildren and her community. Instead she’s totally dependent on her grandson to lead her around even for basic things like going to the toilet or getting to the river for a bath.
But Bibiane’s condition is completely curable. The problem is that there are not enough eye doctors in PNG. For a population of 7.2 million people there are only 9 eye doctors. As a result people like Bibiane have been living with blindness for years.
The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ is working to change this picture. From its clinic in Madang, The Foundation is training local eye doctors and nurses to help the people of PNG, people like Bibiane.
Vlad Sokhin returns to PNG to spend extended periods of time with Bibiane and her family. This video is an intimate portrait of Bibiane’s story of transformation. He has behind the scenes access to the medical facilities at Modilon Hospital and he tenderly takes us into her world of sadness and hope.
The video is an emotional portrait of one of the thousands of patients The Foundation helps each year. Because of lack of access to adequate health care, the human rights of Bibiane have been infringed and her quality of life has suffered enormously. The Foundation continues the legacy of Prof Fred Hollows as a champion of human dignity and social justice. The Foundation works to ensure that the developing world does not get second-rate eye care, but rather everyone should be able to see again as a human right.
Very happy to receive the Grand Prix Best Photographer of the Year for my work on Child Slavery in Haiti. Special thanks to the Restavek Freedom Foundation that supported my work while I was in Haiti.
Moscow, Russia
“Crying Meri” book signing at Visa Pour L’Image festival in Perpignan, France. Photo by Elena Chernyshova